It might be tempting to go ahead with the cheapest quote for your snow removal & landscaping package, but it may not always turn out to be cost efficient on the long run. In a world driven by profits and productivity, it is natural to expect business owners to optimize the use of their resources in function of their revenues. Sometimes this could mean cutting on staff members or their wages, cutting on time spent and products on job sites. As result, the quality can get compromised and the client may face unexpected expenses and losses. Although optimizing resources is key for any company, we don’t believe that our clients should not be the ones suffering from our business targets. Therefore, we stand by our services and pricing. We make sure not to under-quote our proposals and we do not take on jobs that we cannot handle. We live by the principle of under-promising and over-delivering. As result, out clients are never faced with bad surprises or law-suits resulting from a lack of care due to cut-back on resources. At Bravo, we believe that success isn’t achieved over-night and do not believe in cutting corners or adopting shortcuts. We believe that success is built through hard work, genuine passion, integrity and a strong trail of client satisfaction.
Having said that, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t any healthy ways for businesses to save on their snow removal or landscaping packages. Consider the following tips to help you save on your commercial snow removal and landscaping needs.
If you are in charge of the exterior maintenance of your premise, it is crucial that you plan ahead and put in your time to research. Snow removal contractors may be less busy providing quotes during the summer, it may be a good time to start looking for your contractor. The same applies for landscaping. By taking the time to carefully examine where your needs are, your contractor may be able to to provide you a solution much more optimized for your needs and take extra time to give your suggestions that may allow you to save more. Of course, when you plan ahead, it allows you to have more time to evaluate your options.
Also, consider investing some of your time to do research on landscaping ideas to get inspired. That way, you may be able to share your vision better and communicate with your contractor better, thus eliminating errors or having to change plans all over.
Revamping your parking lot may be costly but may end up saving you thousands of dollars over the years. The first one that comes to mind is adequate drainage. See if rainfalls has a tendency to accumulate in particular spots. You may want to tackle this as this might be a cause of ice formation leading to accidents and liabilities. Also, during the winter months as your get your snow plowed, it is essential the areas where you pile up your snow does not hinder proper traffic flow or be hazardous to your visitors. If the need may be, consider changing your parking lot design by keeping the big picture in mind.
As a business owner, your are the one that should be aware of the places that needs the most attention and regular maintenance. For example, if you own an industrial park, do you need the entire lot to be brought to be plowed to the asphalt? It is understandable that you may require this in high traffic areas to protect your drivers and pedestrians, but do an assessment and see what is it that you exactly need. Do not try to cut corners, rather be realistic on your needs and consider your risks. Our company can help your assess your needs and provide recommendation, but we need you to do your homework. The same applies if your company requires lawn care or landscaping, you can save by knowing where your priorities are.
In terms of landscaping, consider changing the design if you have areas where your plants can be spoiled by the chemicals used through out the year. You may not want to replant every year. Consult with us, we provide professional & tailored landscape design and free consultation to improve your parking lot.
As mentioned earlier, proceeding with the lowest bidding isn’t the way to save on your expenses. An experienced contractor with higher fees may be able to save you thousands due to their expertise and proactiveness. If you are considering hiring a landscaping or snow removal company, check their references and verify their expertise. Ensure that they have adequate insurance and certifications. See if they have any certificate of recognition. Ask questions and ensure that all your needs are covered. Hire a lawyer and ensure that the terms are favourable for both sides. Build a package that provides you the best coverage for your needs and avoid unexpected expenses as much as you can. Ensure that your contractor is professional, dedicated and values the reputation of their clients. You do not want to face lawsuits due to someone else’s neglects. You do not want to spend extra time baby-sitting your contractor. Your experience should be seamless so that you may focus on what you do best.
If you are betting that Calgary’s snowfall won’t be as high as the year prior and decided to proceed with using the service as needed, it might cost you more on the long run. If you consider the amount of snow fall that Calgary gets over 3 to 5 years for example, it pretty much averages out. If you are having to hire a snow plowing company during a storm, it might cost you a premium. Your contractor will be able to provide you with a more efficient quote by optimizing the use of equipment and staff members. Also, it allows your contractor to be more pro-active and allocate resources ahead of time. In terms of lawn-care, it is much more predictable. Entering into a fixed rate spanning over multiple years, it will allow your contractor to look at his bottom line and you may benefit from further savings.
Xeriscaping (also called “zeroscaping”) is the practice of landscaping that aims to reduce irrigation or eliminate it completely. It is seen as a eco-friendly practice and definitely has its advantages when it comes to saving costs. It allows you to save on your water bill by using native plants, drought resistant plant, mulch, rocks, use of succulent plants and more. The adoption of native plants will allow for your plants to thrive in natural climate conditions, whereas foreign plants may require extra maintenance. Succulents require less watering and maintenance. Not only will your save on your water bill, but it may also reflect on your company and perhaps be beneficial for your branding. You may have to spend a little more initially for a better planning, but on the long run, you may save on your lawn care maintenance. We offer free consultation service for all your xeriscaping needs!
Winters in Calgary can be unpredictable. Ensure to have an understanding of your contract so that you do not set yourself up for a hidden surprise. If your contract only covers one snow plowing per snowfall, you may have to spend extra in the event that the snow fall lasts for days. Find out if the use of ice-melts have limitations pertaining to quantities.
Do not let the snow accumulate and ensure that your contractor is reliable to get the job done on time. As you know already, leaving snow for days can result in ice formation which can add to hazards and increase your liabilities. Calgary is known to have drastic weather changes and as soon as your snow starts melting, it doesn’t take much long before it turns into ice.