About our company

Putting You First:

Since the founding of Bravo Maintenance Ltd in 2010, the company has seen significant growth year over year. The main factor driving the success of the company lies in its mission of providing world-class service in landscaping and snow removal combined with particular care for each account. Every client is treated as if it were to be the company’s only priority.

Long Trail of Satisfied Clients:

Bravo’s portfolio mainly grew from recommendations based on ‘’word of mouth’’, thanks to its stellar reputation. Although the company came a long way since its founding, it still operates with the same values, ethics and dedication from the very first day it started.

Looking for snow plowers? Ice removal? Aerating lawn? Power raking? Spring clean-up?  Fall clean-up? Professionally designed Landscaping? Or simply to mow the lawn for your commercial space? We got you all covered. With our customized packages designed to fit your needs, you will never have to worry about your exterior maintenance. We especially serve commercial places, industrial parks, condominiums and other large scale activities in Calgary since 2010. Finding the appropriate landscaping or snow removal solution can be a daunting task; what is obvious to our eyes isn’t always as evident for the average client. Every business is different and our clientele’s expectations are diverse. At Bravo Maintenance, we make sure to share your vision, understand your needs and provide customized contributions to enhance your company’s image.

The motto of the company lies in these ‘’5 C’s’’: consistency, client excellence, commitment, consciousness and cooperation. Consistency is established throughout every task, client excellence means that every account is dealt with unparalleled dedication, commitment is established in our goal to provide a world class service, consciousness is observed at two levels: maintaining eco-friendly practice and awareness of our clients best interest and cooperation lies in effective communication along with sharing our clients vision. As mentioned above, Bravo Maintenance Ltd operates with strict ethics, values and dedication. Every client is treated with utmost importance in delivering a hassle free and efficient experience. The long trail of satisfied clients has been the driving mechanics behind Bravo’s growth. The company prides itself in its work and reputation.​

With customized solutions for your winter snow removal, fall-clean up, spring clean-upor landscaping solution, we got you covered all year around. By taking this burdenaway from you, it is then possible for your company to focus on what you do best. Webelieve in your success and ours. Our clientele’s growth is essential for our business tothrive. The last thing we want is for your business to be held liable for any perils andlosses that may incur due to weather conditions or poor maintenance. Your reputationmatters to us and so does ours. They go hand in hand.

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